Successful hernia repair
Permanent mesh is great for hernia repair as long as it is selected for the right patient and the right anatomical plane. Despite having more than 60 years of experience with polipropilene there have been poor outcomes related to mesh placed en anatomical areas where it does not bring all its benefits and also reacts poorly to the surroinding tissue making absorbable mesh an option for those who fear such complications.
The use of absorbable mesh for hernia repair has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous advantages. Unlike traditional non-absorbable meshes, absorbable meshes are designed to degrade over time (usually 18 months) eliminating the risk of long-term complications associated with permanent implants.

Dr Hector Valenzuela American Hernia Society
Advantages of Absorbable Mesh:
1. Reduced risk of chronic pain: Absorbable meshes do not permanently adhere to surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of chronic pain and discomfort.
2. Lower risk of infection: As the mesh degrades, the risk of bacterial colonization and infection is significantly reduced.
3. Improved tissue integration: Absorbable meshes promote natural tissue growth and integration, reducing the risk of adhesions and bowel obstruction.
4. Reduced risk of mesh rejection: As the mesh is absorbed by the body, the risk of rejection and complications associated with permanent meshes is eliminated.
5. Minimally invasive: Absorbable meshes can be used in laparoscopic and robotic-assisted hernia repairs, reducing recovery time and scarring.
6. Cost-effective: While the initial cost of absorbable meshes is be higher, the reduced risk of long-term complications and the need for revision surgeries can result in significant cost savings un general public health
7. Improved patient satisfaction: Absorbable meshes have been shown to improve patient satisfaction and quality of life, with reduced post-operative pain and discomfort.
In conclusion, absorbable meshes offer a safe and effective solution for hernia repair, with numerous advantages over traditional non-absorbable meshes. As the field of hernia repair continues to evolve, absorbable meshes are likely to play an increasingly important role. Having said this we are still lacking long term data (more than 10 years) to asses its real outcomes in the general population
Consult with Dr Hector Valenzuela, a world expert your options for hernia repair before making any choices