A work Allianz between Hospital San Antonio and Quality Care Doctors has been struck as we are all oficially part of the medical staff at San Antonio Hospital and will very likely move our location right next to the hospital in the near future.
GREAT SURGICAL DEALS will be offered with better hospital and medical bills in order to improve the cost and bring into Chapala, Ajijic and the lakeside community affordable and excellent medical care.
Hospital San Antonio is now part of GNP network as well as Lakeside Medical Group and more national and international insurance are to come.
Many Gastrointestinal and Hernia surgeries will be performed locally just a few minutes from your home and some of this may even be outpatient procedures.
Call QCDoctors por appointments: 376 7661870 and 332 785 0259
Write directly: [email protected]

Cirugía Ambulatoria